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We hope we have the answer. If you can't find it below, feel free to reach out to us and we'll respond as soon as possible!
What is the single most important element of a successful GWA nomination?Successful nominees must have made a significant contribution at a statewide, regional, and/or national level in areas of business, technology, culture and the arts, medicine, or some other area of achievement. GWA is a statewide organization and does not induct nominees whose achievements–significant though they maybe–are limited to a local town, city, or county.
What are the most common reasons a nominee is not selected as a Georgia Woman of Achievement?Nominations for people whose contributions are strictly of a local nature are almost always unsuccessful. Similarly, nominations for women whose husbands, fathers, or other family members are the primary reason for their noteworthiness are declined; the nominee must have made significant achievements in her own right.
Must a nominee be deceased?Yes, for at least five years. It is the philosophy of GWA that historical perspective is necessary for a nominee’s contributions to become clear.
Where can research take place?Nominators are encouraged to use the resources of local public libraries, local historical societies and archives, college and university libraries, the Georgia Archives in Morrow, and the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah. The latter two organizations have online resources that can be accessed prior to scheduling an in- person visit.
Who decides who is inducted as a Georgia Woman of Achievement?GWA’s Board of Trustees appoints a Board of Selections made up of women and men familiar with Georgia history. Members represent a geographical cross-section of the state and a variety of professional experience, such as historians, librarians, or community leaders. They typically serve three-years terms, with the possibility of appointment for a second term.
Are nominations held longer than one year?Unsuccessful nominations remain active for two additional years.
What is the nomination submission deadline?The nomination submission deadline will be in the fall of each year. You can find the exact deadline posted under the Nominate tab.
When are the inductees announced?Nominators, whether successful or not, will be notified before the end of December.
How do the documentary videos for inductees come about?GWA works with independent producers who create these videos. Nominators are encouraged to note locations of visual materials related to the nominee in the event that she is selected. While these materials are not required for the nomination, they are useful in creating the documentary.
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